**NEW** Normann Copenhagen – Porta – Lampe de table


Collection : Porta

Produit : Lampe de table

Materials: ABS plastic and acrylic

Size :  H: 23,5 x W: 20,5 x D: 11,2 x Ø: 6,5 cm
Weight : 0,49 kg
Light source: Porta comes with a permanently integrated, rechargeable, low-energy LED light source which has 3 light intensity levels: 100%, 70% and 40% and a battery life of 8 hours, 24 hours, and 90 hours, respectively.

The lamp comes with a USB charging cable with a length of 1 meter but without any plug (which can be bought separately).

Différentes finitions disponibles en showroom.

Prix et livraison sur demande
